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Search Results for: Dodd-Frank

Davis Polk – Dodd-Frank Rulemaking Progress Report Progress as of June 1, 2011

Dodd-Frank Rulemaking Progress Report – Progress as of June 1, 2011: “This Davis Polk Dodd-Frank Rulemaking Progress Report is the third in a series of reports that use empirical data to help market participants and policymakers assess the progress of the rulemaking and other work that has been done by regulators under the Dodd-Frank Act.… Continue Reading

The Orderly Liquidation of Lehman Brothers Holdings under the Dodd-Frank Act

The Orderly Liquidation of Lehman Brothers Holdings under the Dodd-Frank Act, April 18, 2011 “The report examines how the FDIC could have structured an orderly resolution of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. under the orderly liquidation authority of Title II of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act had that law been in effect… Continue Reading

CFTC IG Report on formulation of cost benefit analyses for four separate Dodd-Frank rulemakings

An Investigation Regarding Cost-Benefit Analyses Performed by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in Connection with Rulemakings Undertaken Pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Act, Office of the Inspector General Commodity Futures Trading Commission, April 15, 2011 “Although the development of a uniform methodology appeared to be an equal effort between the Office of General Counsel and the… Continue Reading

New Tax Issues Arising from the Dodd-Frank Act and Related Changes to Market Practice for Derivatives

Nijenhuis, Erika, New Tax Issues Arising from the Dodd-Frank Act and Related Changes to Market Practice for Derivatives (January 6, 2011). Columbia Journal of Tax Law, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2011. Available at SSRN: “The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (“Dodd-Frank”) requires that most over-the-counter derivatives be cleared through a clearinghouse… Continue Reading

Review of CBO's Cost Estimate for the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Ac

Review of CBO’s Cost Estimate for the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Testimony before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives,March 30, 2011. “CBO estimated that, over the 2010–2020 period, the Dodd-Frank Act would increase both revenues and direct (or mandatory) spending—by $13.4 billion and… Continue Reading

FDIC Approves Proposed Rule to Set Claims Process Under Dodd-Frank Act's Orderly Liquidation Authority Provisions

News release: “The Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) today approved a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) to further clarify application of the orderly liquidation authority contained in Title II of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, “Orderly Liquidation Authority” (OLA). The NPR builds on the interim rule… Continue Reading

Testimony by Fed Gov.on assessing regulatory, economic, and market implications of Dodd-Frank derviatives title

Governor Daniel K. Tarullo, Assessing the regulatory, economic, and market implications of the Dodd-Frank derivatives title, Before the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., February 15, 2011 “The Dodd-Frank Act requires that the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission consult with the Board on the rules they… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Consumer Finance, Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act, Defense Acquisitions, Maritime Security, Employment Verification

Consumer Finance: Regulatory Coverage Generally Exists for Financial Planners, but Consumer Protection Issues Remain, GAO-11-235, January 18, 2011 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act: Role of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board in the Municipal Securities Markets and Its Past Funding, GAO-11-267R, January 18, 2011 Defense Acquisitions: Further Action Needed to Better Implement Requirements for Conducting Inventory… Continue Reading

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: Changes to the Regulation of Derivatives and their Impact on Agribusiness

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: Changes to the Regulation of Derivatives and their Impact on Agribusiness, By Michael K. Adjemian and Gerald E. Plato, Outlook Report No. (AIS-89) 21 pp, November 2010 “The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act makes significant changes to Federal regulation of the U.S. over-the-counter… Continue Reading

New on Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Financial Protection Act: A Brief Legislative History Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Financial Protection Act: A Brief Legislative History with Links, Reports and Summaries The “craft” of legislative history construction is practiced with unique and outstanding expertise by law librarian Rick McKinney. This history is designed in a streamlined fashion so as to allow users to more easily check when… Continue Reading

SEC Proposes New Whistleblower Program Under Dodd-Frank Act

News release: “The Securities and Exchange Commission today voted unanimously to propose a whistleblower program to reward individuals who provide the agency with high-quality tips that lead to successful enforcement actions. The SEC’s proposed rule under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act maps out a simple, straightforward procedure for would-be whistleblowers to… Continue Reading