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Search Results for: stress test

FDIC Board Proposes Stress Testing Regulation for Large Banks

News release: “The FDIC today approved a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPR) that would require certain large insured depository institutions to conduct annual capital-adequacy stress tests. The proposal, to implement section 165(i)(2) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, would apply to FDIC-insured state nonmember banks and FDIC-insured state-chartered savings associations with… Continue Reading

IMF – Germany: Technical Note on Stress Testing

Germany: Technical Note on Stress Testing, December 2011. IMF Country Report No. 11/371 “This note summarizes the stress tests undertaken for the German banking system as part of the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) Update. Solvency tests for the German banking system assessed medium-term vulnerabilities under two adverse macroeconomic scenarios. The tests considered a variety… Continue Reading

2011 EU Wide Stress Testing

News release: “Results of the 2011 EU-wide stress test The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today the results of its 2011 EU-wide stress test of 90 banks in 21 countries1. The aim of the 2011 EU-wide stress test is to assess the resilience of the banks involved in the exercise against an adverse but plausible… Continue Reading

FDIC Guidance Proposed Guidance on Stress Testing for Banking

Proposed Guidance on Stress Testing for Banking Organizations with More Than $10 Billion in Total Consolidated Assets, June 16, 2011 “The federal banking regulatory agencies have jointly issued the attached proposed guidance on stress testing for banking organizations with more than $10 billion in total consolidated assets. The proposed guidance highlights the importance of stress… Continue Reading

OECD: The EU Stress Test and Sovereign Debt Exposures

Blundell-Wignall, A. and P. Slovik (2010), The EU Stress Test and Sovereign Debt Exposures, OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions, No. 4, OECD Financial Affairs Division, 13-Aug-2010 “This working paper’s quantifications show that most sovereign debt is held on the banking books of banks, whereas the EU stress test considered only their… Continue Reading

Committee of European Banking Supervisors Statement On Key Features of Extended EU-Wide Stress Test

News release: “Following its statement issued on 18 June 2010, CEBS provides further information on the EU-wide stress test exercise which is now being finalised by CEBS and the national supervisory authorities, in close cooperation with the ECB. The objective of the extended stress test exercise is to assess the overall resilience of the EU… Continue Reading

Congressional Oversight Panel Report: Stress Testing and Shoring Up Bank Capital

“The Congressional Oversight Panel June 2009 Oversight Report, Stress Testing and Shoring Up Bank Capital, examines the recent stress tests conducted on America’s 19 largest bank holding companies (BHCs)…The Panel’s report examines how effectively Treasury and the Federal Reserve conducted the stress tests, specifically reviewing the government’s economic assumptions, their methods of calculating bank capitalization,… Continue Reading