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Search Results for: metadata

What Does the Latest Court Ruling on NSA Telephone Metadata Program Mean?

CRS Legal Sidebar – Legal Sidebar What Does the Latest Court Ruling on NSA Telephone Metadata Program Mean? 09/03/2015 “On August 28, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, in Obama v. Klayman, ruled for the government in the ongoing litigation over the National Security Agency’s (NSA’s) telephone metadata program. The… Continue Reading

Injunction against metadata collection reversed by U.S. Court of Appeals for D.C. Circuit

EFF – “The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit’s opinion [August 28, 2015] in Klayman v. Obama is highly disappointing and, worse, based on a mistaken concern about the underlying facts. The court said that since the plaintiffs’ phone service was provided by one subsidiary of Verizon—Verizon Wireless—rather than another—Verizon Business—they couldn’t prove that they… Continue Reading

Major repository networks agree to collaborate on data exchange, technological development, and metadata

Via COAR: “On July 9 and 10, three major regional open access repository networks and aggregators (OpenAire, LA Referencia, and SHARE), along with the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) and Center for Open Science (COS) met in Charlottesville, Virginia to discuss synergies and potential areas of collaboration. Open access repositories are being adopted around… Continue Reading

Secret court authorizes continued telephone metadata collection

The Guardian UK: “After a decade in the shadows, a secretive surveillance court that authorises the bulk collection of American telephone records seized on its last chance to show off a little personality on Tuesday [June 30, 2015]. “Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose, well, at least for 180 days,” wrote judge Michael… Continue Reading

Taming the World “Wild” Web with Metadata for Everyone

Taming the World “Wild” Web with Metadata for Everyone by Joan Weeks, Cooperative and Instructional Programs Division, Library of Congress, Washington, DC. [to be presented at IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC 2015) in Cape Town, South Africa.] “Librarians create files that are uploaded on their library websites with little or no metadata which… Continue Reading

Project Management for Intergenerational Library Teams Creating Non-MARC Metadata

Kelly J. Thompson – “What If I Break It?”: Project Management for Intergenerational Library Teams Creating Non-MARC Metadata: code{4}lib Journal – Issue 28, 2015-04-15: “Libraries are constantly challenged to meet new user needs and to provide access to new types of materials. We are in the process of launching many new technology-rich initiatives and projects… Continue Reading

Report – Metadata collection of Americans’ international calls began in 1992

Brad Health – USAToday: “The U.S. government started keeping secret records of Americans’ international telephone calls nearly a decade before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, harvesting billions of calls in a program that provided a blueprint for the far broader National Security Agency surveillance that followed. For more than two decades, the Justice Department and… Continue Reading

Linked Data in Libraries: A Case Study of Harvesting and Sharing Bibliographic Metadata with BIBFRAM

Linked Data in Libraries: A Case Study of Harvesting and Sharing  Bibliographic Metadata with BIBFRAME, Karim Tharani. INFORMATION  TECHNOLOGY  AND  LIBRARIES  |  MARCH  2015 “By  way of a case study, this paper illustrates and evaluates the Bibliographic Framework (or BIBFRAME) as means for harvesting and sharing bibliographic metadata over the web for libraries.  BIBFRAME  is… Continue Reading

Analysis: It’s surprisingly easy to identify individuals from credit-card metadata

MIT News release: “In this week’s issue of the journal Science, MIT researchers report that just four fairly vague pieces of information — the dates and locations of four purchases — are enough to identify 90 percent of the people in a data set recording three months of credit-card transactions by 1.1 million users. When… Continue Reading

OCLC Research launches Terms of Use and Reuse for Finding Aid Metadata project

“OCLC Research is facilitating a focused discussion about metadata in finding aids within a scoped effort to produce guidelines for terms of use and reuse of finding aid metadata. We have convened a working group whose members are in contact with archival authorities and associations internationally, such as the Society of American Archivists and the… Continue Reading

NISO Recommended Practice on Metadata Indicators for Accessibility – Licensing of E-Content

“The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has published a new Recommended Practice on Access License and Indicators (NISO RP-22-2015) that defines metadata to be used to indicate free-to-read content and a link to license terms for the use/re-use of that content. Developed by the NISO Working Group on Access License and Indicators (formerly Open Access… Continue Reading

EPIC, Legal Scholars, Technical Experts Urge Federal Appeals Court to Safeguard Telephone “Metadata”

“EPIC has filed an amicus curiae brief, joined by 33 technical experts and legal scholars, in support of a challenge to the NSA telephone record collection program. The case, Smith v. Obama will be heard by the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit this fall. Earlier this year, a lower court ruled that the Fourth Amendment does not protect… Continue Reading