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Search Results for: NSa Surveillance

Wartime Executive Power and the NSA’s Surveillance Authority II

Hearing: Wartime Executive Power and the NSA’s Surveillance Authority II, Senate Judiciary Committee, Full Committee, February 28, 2006. Statement Of Senator Patrick Leahy, Ranking Member, Judiciary Committee: “Attorney General Gonzales’ conduct has made the Bush-Cheney Administration’s position crystal clear: It claims there is no place for congressional or judicial oversight of any of its activities… Continue Reading

Judge Orders Release of DOJ Docs. on NSA Domestic Surveillance

“In response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit (PDF) filed by EPIC, a federal judge has ordered (PDF) the Department of Justice to process and release documents related to the Bush Administration’s warrantless surveillance program by March 8. It is the first court opinion addressing the controversial domestic spying operation. “President Bush has invited… Continue Reading

DOJ Defends Legal Authority For NSA Domestic Surveillance

As reported by the New York Times: Administration Lays Out Legal Case for Wiretapping Program, which references the following report: a 42 page DOJ paper, in unclassified form (PDF), titled Legal Authorities Supporting the Activities of the National Security Agency Described by the President, released January 19, 2006. There is also a one page preface… Continue Reading

A Legal Analysis of the NSA Warrantless Surveillance Program

A Legal Analysis of the NSA Warrantless Surveillance Program, by Morton H. Halperin, January 6, 2006 Secrecy News: “Halperin, a leading civil libertarian and former Pentagon and State Department official, played an influential role in the enactment of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978, which subjected intelligence surveillance within the United States to… Continue Reading

NSA’s Post 9/11 Domestic Data Mining and Surveillance Programs

New York Times: The Agency That Could Be Big Brother: “…the N.S.A. has suddenly taken center stage in a political firestorm. The controversy over whether the president broke the law when he secretly ordered the N.S.A. to bypass a special court and conduct warrantless eavesdropping on American citizens has even provoked some Democrats to call… Continue Reading

Microsoft Dynamics 365 called out for ‘worker surveillance’

The Register: “Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides “field service management” that allows customers to monitor mobile service workers through smartphone apps – allegedly to the detriment of their autonomy and dignity. According to a probe by Cracked Labs – an Austrian nonprofit research group – the software is part of a broader set of applications that… Continue Reading

Little-Known Surveillance Program Captures Money Transfers Between U.S. and More Than 20 Countries

WSJ: “Hundreds of federal, state and local U.S. law-enforcement agencies have access without court oversight to a database of more than 150 million money transfers between people in the U.S. and in more than 20 countries, according to internal program documents and an investigation by Sen. Ron Wyden. The database, housed at a little-known nonprofit… Continue Reading

Tech tool offers police ‘mass surveillance on a budget’

AP: “Local law enforcement agencies from suburban Southern California to rural North Carolina have been using an obscure cellphone tracking tool, at times without search warrants, that gives them the power to follow people’s movements months back in time, according to public records and internal emails obtained by The Associated Press. Police have used “Fog… Continue Reading

NSA Reports Call Detail Records (CDR) Deletion

NSA/CSS Statement, June 28, 2018: “Consistent with NSA’s core values of respect for the law, accountability, integrity, and transparency we are making public notice that on May 23, 2018, NSA began deleting all call detail records (CDRs) acquired since 2015 under Title V of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The Government relies on Title… Continue Reading

The Intercept reports – The NSA’s Hidden Spy Hubs in Eight U.S. Cities

The Wiretap Rooms: “The secrets are hidden behind fortified walls in cities across the United States, inside towering, windowless skyscrapers and fortress-like concrete structures that were built to withstand earthquakes and even nuclear attack. Thousands of people pass by the buildings each day and rarely give them a second glance, because their function is not… Continue Reading

The Intercept – NSA’s Spy Hub in New York, Hidden in Plain Sight

“…33 Thomas Street is different: An investigation by The Intercept indicates that the skyscraper is more than a mere nerve center for long-distance phone calls. It also appears to be one of the most important National Security Agency surveillance sites on U.S. soil — a covert monitoring hub that is used to tap into phone… Continue Reading

Former NSA contractor removed 50 terabytes of classified data

ZDNet: “An NSA contractor siphoned off dozens of hard drives’ worth of data from government computers over two decades, prosecutors will allege on Friday. The contractor, Harold T. Martin III, is also accused of stealing thousands of highly classified documents, computers, and other storage devices during his tenure at the agency. It’s not known exactly… Continue Reading