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Search Results for: metadata

Managing Research Data – from Goals to Reality webinar outputs available

“The recording, slides, chat transcript, archived tweets and links to additional resources from this OCLC Research Library Partnership webinar are available below as well as on the “Managing Research Data—from Goals to Reality” webinar page. The webinar recording is also available on YouTube and in iTunes. In this webinar, Sally Rumsey, Digital Research Librarian at… Continue Reading

EPIC – Government Releases Secret Court Order Authorizing NSA Telephone Surveillance

“The Director of National Intelligence has published the “Primary Order” from the FISA Court which describes the scope of the NSA’s data analysis activities for telephone call records. The order details the procedures the NSA is expected to follow when reviewing data, but is heavily redacted. The order does not include a legal analysis of… Continue Reading

Few See Adequate Limits on NSA Surveillance Program

Pew Survey -“A majority of Americans – 56% – say that federal courts fail to provide adequate limits on the telephone and internet data the government is collecting as part of its anti-terrorism efforts. An even larger percentage (70%) believes that the government uses this data for purposes other than investigating terrorism. And despite the… Continue Reading

Google Image Search Improvements

Google Research Blog: [In May 2013] at Google I/O, we showed a major upgrade to the photos experience: you can now easily search your own photos without having to manually label each and every one of them. This is powered by computer vision and machine learning technology, which uses the visual content of an image to generate searchable tags… Continue Reading

UK Guardian – Secret court lets NSA extend its trawl of Verizon customers’ phone records

“The National Security Agency has been allowed to extend its dragnet of the telephone records of millions of US customers of Verizon through a court order issued by the secret court that oversees surveillance. In an unprecedented move prompted by the Guardian’s disclosure in June of the NSA‘s indiscriminate collection of Verizon metadata, the Office… Continue Reading

Coaltion of Good Government Groups Urge US Attorney General to Release Reports on Telephone Surveillance

“[On July 8, 2013] the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), along with 22 other good-government groups, sent a letter to the US Department of Justice urging Attorney General Eric Holder to make public any reports by Inspector General Michael Horowitz regarding the collection of Americans’ telephone records under Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act.… Continue Reading

UK Guardian – France ‘runs vast electronic spying operation using NSA-style methods’

Angelique Chrisafis in Paris – Intelligence agency has spied on French public’s phone calls, emails and internet activity, says Le Monde newspaper “France runs a vast electronic surveillance operation, intercepting and stocking data from citizens’ phone and internet activity, using similar methods to the US National Security Agency’s Prism programme exposed by Edward Snowden, Le… Continue Reading

Spiegel Online – “NSA Snoops on 500 Million German Data Connections”

By Laura Poitras, Marcel Rosenbach and Holger Stark: “America’s National Security Agency (NSA) is apparently spying on Germany more than previously believed. Secret documents from the US intelligence service, which have been viewed by SPIEGEL journalists, reveal that the NSA systematically monitors and stores a large share of the country’s telephone and Internet connection data.… Continue Reading

UK Guardian – “NSA collected US email records in bulk for more than two years under Obama”

Follow up to EPIC – Congress Begins Investigation of NSA Domestic Surveillance Program – via Glenn Greenwald and Spencer Ackerman: “The Obama administration for more than two years permitted the National Security Agency to continue collecting vast amounts of records detailing the email and internet usage of Americans, according to secret documents obtained by the Guardian. The documents indicate that under the program, launched in… Continue Reading

Council on Foreign Relations Backgrounder – U.S. Domestic Surveillance

“Two NSA surveillance programs have been exposed in press reports in June 2013. First, a Guardian report disclosed a classified FISC court order instructing Verizon, one of the largest U.S. telecommunications firms, to hand over phone records of millions of Americans to the NSA. Amid criticism from civil rights groups, the Obama administration defended the… Continue Reading

ACLU Files Lawsuit Challenging NSA’s Patriot Act Phone Surveillance

Follow up to previous postings, By Brett Max Kaufman, Legal Fellow, ACLU National Security Project: “In the wake of the past week’s revelations about the NSA’s unprecedented mass surveillance of phone calls, today the ACLU filed a lawsuit charging that the program violates Americans’ constitutional rights of free speech, association, and privacy. This lawsuit comes… Continue Reading

NISO Publishes Recommended Practice and Technical Report on Improving OpenURLs Through Analytics

News release: “The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announces the publication of a new recommended practice, Improving OpenURLs Through Analytics (IOTA): Recommendations for Link Resolver Providers (NISO RP-21-2013). These recommendations are the result of a three-year study performed by the NISO IOTA Working Group in which millions of OpenURLs were analyzed and a Completeness Index was developed… Continue Reading