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Search Results for: NSa Surveillance

AG States Prosecution of Journalists for Leaks is Legal

ABC News This Week, May 21, 2006: “Gonzales also defended the NSA wiretapping program, insisting the Justice Department has not been reviewing the “content” in journalists’ phone records without a court order. The attorney general reiterated that the rights of a free press cannot trump national security but added, “I understand very much the role… Continue Reading

Essay Proposes FISA Is Not Adequate to Combat Technology Associated With Terrorism

Follow-up to yesterday’s posting, Lawful Intelligence and Surveillance of Terrorists in an Emergency by NSA Act Introduced Today, see Whispering Wires and Warrantless Wiretaps, by Kim Taipale, N.Y.U. REV. L. & SECURITY, No. VII Supl., “Bulletin: The NSA and the War on Terror,” (Spring 2006). “This essay examines certain implications of employing [automated data analysis… Continue Reading

Hearing on Call to Censure the President

An Examination of the Call to Censure the President, Senate Judiciary Committee, Full Committee, March 31, 2006 Sen. Feingold’s Resolution to Censure the President Testimony: Bruce Fein, Partner, Fein & Fein Lee Casey, Partner, Baker & Hostetler Sen. Patrick Leahy Sen. Russ Feingold Related articles and postings: John Dean Blasts Warrantless Eavesdropping An Update on… Continue Reading

FOIA Lawsuit Yields DOJ Email on Warrantless Wiretapping

National Security Archive press release: “The Justice Department official who oversaw national security matters from 2000 to 2003 e-mailed his former colleagues after revelation of the controversial warrantless wiretapping program in December 2005 that the Department’s justifications for the program were “weak” and had a “slightly after-the-fact quality” to them, and surmised that this reflected… Continue Reading

DOJ Creates Roadblocks To Spy Program Investigations

Follow-up to yesterday’s posting, Investigation into Domestic Spying Program Blocked, today AP reports Justice Argues Against Ashcroft Testimony, and the New York Times reports Senate Panel Decides Against Eavesdropping Investigation, at Least for Now. From AP, this report tonight that addresses the complicated issues involved in the continuing struggle involving the administration, members of Congress… Continue Reading

The Internet in China: A Tool for Freedom or Suppression?

House of Representatives Committee on International Relations, Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights and International Operations, February 15, 2006 Hearing, The Internet in China: A Tool for Freedom or Suppression? Links to statements and testimony below are in PDF: The Honorable Christopher H. Smith, The Honorable James A. Leach, Mr. James Keith, The Honorable David… Continue Reading

Investigation into Domestic Spying Program Blocked

Rep. John Conyers blogs tonight “…the House Judiciary Committee considered my resolution of inquiry on the domestic spying program. The Resolution was rejected 16 to 21, with all Democrats and one Republican (Congressman Hostetler) voting for it.” Congressional Probe of NSA Spying Is in Doubt-White House Sways Some GOP Lawmakers: “Congress appeared ready to launch… Continue Reading

Hearing Today on National Security Whistleblowers in the post-9/11 Era

House Committee on Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations — hearing on National Security Whistleblowers in the post-9/11 Era: Lost in a Labyrinth and Facing Subtle Retaliation, February 14, 2006. Hearing Advisory, National Security Subcommittee Briefing Memo (78 pages, PDF) Opening Statement of Chairman Shays: “Whistleblowers in critical national security… Continue Reading

Tainted Warrants Used in Spy Program?

Yesterday’s posting, Judiciary Cmte. Requests Extensive Info On Domestic Spying Program From Attorney General, relied heavily on links to the Washington Post, and for good reason. The newspaper’s investigative reporting on the domestic spying issue has been picking up steam, with yet another must read article in today’s issue, Secret Court’s Judges Were Warned About… Continue Reading

Judiciary Cmte. Requests Extensive Info On Domestic Spying Program From Attorney General

Following up on AG Gonzales Testimony to Judiciary Cmte. Generates Strong Response, news today about Congressional requests for additional information on the NSA spy program: Press release: “House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-Wis.) today sent a Judiciary Committee oversight letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales requesting extensive answers about the National Security… Continue Reading

AG Gonzales Testimony to Judiciary Cmte. Generates Strong Response

Follow-up to yesterday’s posting, AG Alberto R. Gonzales Testifies Before Senate Judiciary Cmte. Today, the following transcript of the AG’s answers to Sen. Specter’s questions (11 pages, PDF), via CDT. Related references: New York Times: Republican Who Oversees N.S.A. Calls for Wiretap Inquiry Posting by Sen. Russ Feingold in response to AG Gonzales testimony Editor… Continue Reading