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Search Results for: metadata

Politico – Judge orders NSA to preserve call data

Josh Gerstein: “A federal judge in San Francisco has ordered the National Security Agency to preserve all metadata from its monitoring of U.S. phone traffic, setting up a potential clash with the Washington-based surveillance court which oversees the NSA-run counter-terrorism program. U.S. District Court Judge Jeffrey White issued the order Monday afternoon California time in response to requests… Continue Reading

Joint Statement by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Attorney General Eric Holder on the Declassification of Additional Documents Section 501 of FISA

DNI News Release – February 12, 2014: ” On Jan. 3, 2014, the Director of National Intelligence declassified and disclosed publicly that the U.S. government had filed an application with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court seeking renewal of the authority to collect telephony metadata in bulk, and that, on Jan. 3, 2014, the court renewed that… Continue Reading

Cabinet agencies release full inventory lists of their public data

‘Cabinet agencies have released complete machine-readable lists of their public data holdings, in compliance with President Barack Obama’s Open Data Executive Order. Now, with the help of Sunlight’s Dan Drinkard and Tim Ball, you can access most of these inventories in human-readable format as well. (zip file) or Google doc spreadsheet). Thanks to the guidelines crafted by Project Open… Continue Reading

Does Every Research Library Need a Digital Humanities Center?

An OCLC Research Report by Jennifer Schaffner and Ricky Erway, OCLC Research. “The digital humanities (DH) are attracting considerable attention and funding at the same time that this nascent field strives for an identity. Some research libraries are committing significant resources to creating DH centers. But questions about whether such an investment is warranted persist across… Continue Reading

EPIC – New Limits on NSA Telephone Record Program Established, Authority Expires March 28

“The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has granted the government’s motion to limit access by the NSA to the bulk telephone records provided by US telephone companies. Under the new rules, the government cannot “query” the telephone metadata until after the court finds that there is a “reasonable, articulable suspicion that the selection term is associated with” a… Continue Reading

CDT – President Supports End to NSA Bulk Collection; Fails to Provide Clear Path Forward

News release: “Far more needs to be done to restore the faith of the American people and repair the damage done globally to the U.S. reputation as a defender of human rights on the Internet. We certainly welcome judicial review of metadata queries, the support for more transparency about surveillance, a voice for civil liberties… Continue Reading

Guardian – NSA collects millions of text messages daily in ‘untargeted’ global sweep

James Ball – UK Guardian: “The National Security Agency has collected almost 200 million text messages a day from across the globe, using them to extract data including location, contact networks and credit card details, according to top-secret documents. The untargeted collection and storage of SMS messages – including their contacts – is revealed in a… Continue Reading

Costs of Keyword Searching, Data Analysis, Not Recoverable, Federal Circuit Rules

Catalyst E-Discovery Search Blog – by Bob Ambrogi | December 18, 2013 “To what extent can the costs of e-discovery be recovered by a prevailing party in federal court? The U.S. Federal Circuit Court of Appeals has just issued an opinion that provides a detailed analysis of that question, concluding that the answer hinges on which costs fall… Continue Reading

Introduction to Linked Open Data

Herman, Ivan. “Introduction to Linked Open Data (LOD)” International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications 2013. Available at:  These slides are also available on the Web: “Use the Web of Data as a Content Management System. Use the community at large as content editors.” Continue Reading

Digital Collections – National Library of Medicine’s free online archive

“Digital Collections is the National Library of Medicine’s free online archive of biomedical books and videos. All of the content in Digital Collections is freely available worldwide and, unless otherwise indicated, in the public domain. Digital Collections provides unique access to NLM’s rich, historical resources…The majority of the texts within Digital Collections were digitized at NLM… Continue Reading

Judge Grants Motion to Dismiss in NSA Surveillance Case

ACLU: “A federal court issued an opinion and order in ACLU v. Clapper [American Civil Liberties Union v. Clapper, 13-cv-03994, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan)], the ACLU’s challenge to the constitutionality of the NSA’s mass call-tracking program, ruling that the government’s bulk collection of phone records is lawful under Section 215 of the Patriot Act and under… Continue Reading

Research – MetaPhone: The NSA’s Got Your Number

by Jonathan Mayer, a grad student at Stanford – Co-authored with Patrick Mutchler – via the Web Policy Blog “MetaPhone is a crowdsourced study of phone metadata. If you own an Android smartphone, please consider participating. In earlier posts, we reported how automated analysis of call and text activity can reveal private relationships, as well as how phone subscribers are closely… Continue Reading