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Search Results for: poverty

Demographic and Economic Profiles of States Holding March 22 Primaries and Caucuses

“Census Release Number: CB16-TPS.77 – In advance of the March 22 primaries and caucuses, the U.S. Census Bureau presents a variety of statistics that give an overall profile of each participating state’s voting-age population and industries. Statistics include: Voting-age population and estimate of eligible voters (i.e., citizens age 18 and older). Breakdown of voting-age population… Continue Reading

Toxic coal ash pollution impacts residents in hundreds of communities

Via Mother Jones – Weird Ailments, Toxic Water, Dismissive Officials—and No, This Isn’t Flint – The environmental justice disaster you’ve never heard of, by Julia Lurie “…coal ash—a toxic byproduct of burning coal that has quietly become one of America’s worst environmental justice problems. The ashes are often laden with arsenic, lead, mercury, and other… Continue Reading

France first country to ban supermarket food waste

News from “France has become the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from throwing away or destroying unsold food, forcing them instead to donate it to charities and food banks. Under a law passed unanimously by the French senate, as of Wednesday large shops will no longer bin good quality food approaching… Continue Reading

Demographic and Economic Profiles of States Holding March 5 Primaries and Caucuses

“In advance of the March 5 primaries and caucuses, the U.S. Census Bureau presents a variety of statistics that give an overall profile of each participating state’s voting-age population and industries. Statistics include: Voting-age population and estimate of eligible voters (i.e., citizens age 18 and older). Breakdown of voting-age population by race and Hispanic origin.… Continue Reading

McKinsey – Managing waste in emerging markets

Managing waste in emerging markets – Hauke Engel, Martin Stuchtey, and Helga Vanthournout: “Economic growth in emerging economies is bringing prosperity, rising living standards, and overdue relief from poverty, but increased consumption typically increases resource use—especially the use of plastics—and waste production….the rapid surge in waste volumes since 2007 is straining waste-management systems in many… Continue Reading

Demographic and Economic Profiles of South Carolina’s Electorate

“In advance of the South Carolina primaries on Feb. 20 and Feb. 27, the U.S. Census Bureau presents a variety of statistics that give an overall profile of the state’s voting-age population and industries. Statistics include: Voting-age population and estimate of eligible voters (i.e., citizens age 18 and older). Breakdown of voting-age population by race… Continue Reading

Demographic and Economic Profiles of New Hampshire’s Electorate

“In advance of the New Hampshire primary on Feb. 9, the U.S. Census Bureau presents a variety of statistics that give an overall profile of the state’s voting-age population and industries. Statistics include: Voting-age population and estimate of eligible voters (i.e., citizens age 18 and older). Breakdown of voting-age population by race and Hispanic origin… Continue Reading

OECD – Measuring and Assessing Well-Being in Israel

“Israel’s economy has strong fundamentals, but the country needs to address productivity, inequality and poverty if it wants to improve well-being and reduce socio-economic divides, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Survey of Israel. The release coincided with the fifth anniversary of Israel’s accession to the OECD. The Survey was presented by OECD Secretary-General, Angel… Continue Reading

10 things to know about progress in international development

Overseas Development Institute: “Around the world, amazing progress is being made. More than 1 billion people have been lifted out of extreme poverty since 1990 with major gains made in health and education and in other areas that contribute to human well-being. While the world still faces considerable challenges, including inequality, conflict and climate change, there are many lessons to be… Continue Reading

Subcommittee on Nutrition RE: Past, Present, and Future of SNAP

U.S. House Committee on Agriculture Subcommittee on Nutrition – Addressing Special Populations, Testimony of Abby J. Leibman, President and CEO MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger, Washington, DC, January 12, 2016. “Perhaps the  best way to prevent hunger among veterans is to protect and strengthen the SNAP program. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that SNAP… Continue Reading

Census Bureau Releases New Custodial Mothers and Fathers and Their Child Support Report

“Today the U.S. Census Bureau released the Custodial Mothers and Fathers and Their Child Support: 2013 report, which presents a snapshot of custodial parents and child support payments — either legal or informal — that were reported as received from noncustodial parents living outside the home. The report also sheds light on child support income… Continue Reading