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Search Results for: metadata

Internet Archive – One Million Audio Cover Images for Research

Internet Archive – “Culled from various sources, this collection includes over one million JPG, PNG and GIF album covers. The resolution ranges from “thumbnail” through to very large sizes. Filenames are variant in usefulness, although a good number indicate at least the name of the original album. This dataset is for experimentation and image processing… Continue Reading

US DOJ IG Report – Review of the FBI’s Use of Section 215 Orders

FBI’s Use of Section 215 Orders: Assessment of Progress in Implementing Recommendations and Examination of Use in 2007 through 2009, Oversight and Review Division Report 15-05. May 2015. Redacted. “The Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) announced today the release of a public version of its most recent report examining the… Continue Reading

OCLC Research Library Linked Data in the Cloud

“Librarians, archivists, computer scientists, and other professionals interested in modeling bibliographic descriptions as linked data are invited to attend this webinar in which the authors will describe the conceptual and technical challenges involved in publishing linked data derived from traditional library metadata. This transformation is urgent because it is now common knowledge that most searches… Continue Reading

Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down NSA Bulk Record Collection Program

EPIC – “The Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today that the NSA’s telephone record collection program exceeds legal authority. The government claimed that it could collect all records under the Section 215 “relevance” standard. But the court rejected that argument and held that “such an expansive concept of ‘relevance’ is unprecedented and unwarranted.” The… Continue Reading

Olive Executable Archive – Enable libraries to achieve their mission of preserving the scholarly record

“Olive is a collaborative project seeking to establish a robust ecosystem for long-term preservation of software, games, and other executable content. Born at Carnegie Mellon University, Olive addresses the current gap in preservation technology by providing a curated environment for the preservation and distribution of executable content. Goals Enable libraries to achieve their mission of… Continue Reading

Antibacterial Drug Shortages From 2001 to 2013

Antibacterial Drug Shortages From 2001 to 2013: Implications for Clinical Practice. Clin Infect Dis. (2015) doi: 10.1093/cid/civ201 First published online: April 22, 2015 “Background. Previous studies have described drug shortages; however, there has been no comprehensive evaluation focusing on US antibacterial shortages. Methods. Drug shortage data from the University of Utah Drug Information Service database were analyzed,… Continue Reading

Americans’ Privacy Strategies Post-Snowden

Lee Rainie and Mary Madden: “It has been nearly two years since the first disclosures of government surveillance programs by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden and Americans are still coming to terms with how they feel about the programs and how to live in light of them. The documents leaked by Snowden revealed… Continue Reading

Rapid and Direct Encoding of Numerosity in the Visual Stream

Rapid and Direct Encoding of Numerosity in the Visual Stream – Cereb. Cortex (2015) doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhv017 First published online: February 24, 2015. “Humans are endowed with an intuitive number sense that allows us to perceive and estimate numerosity without relying on language. It is controversial, however, as to whether there is a neural mechanism for… Continue Reading

The Persistence of the OCR Problem in Digital Repository E-Books

Kichuk, Diana. Loose, Falling Characters and Sentences: The Persistence of the OCR Problem in Digital Repository E-Books. Portal: Libraries and the Academy 15, no. 1 (2015): 59–91. doi:10.1353/pla.2015.0005. “The electronic conversion of scanned image files to readable text using optical character recognition (OCR) software and the subsequent migration of raw OCR text to e-book text… Continue Reading

Council of Europe Report on Mass Surveillance

Provisional version – Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights – Mass surveillance. Rapporteur: Mr Pieter Omtzigt, Netherlands, Group of the European People’s Party. “Our freedom is built on what others do not know of our existences” Alexandr Solzhenitsyn. A Draft resolution 1. The Parliamentary Assembly is deeply concerned about mass surveillance practices disclosed since… Continue Reading

Atlantic – The Cathedral of Computation

We’re not living in an algorithmic culture so much as a computational theocracy, by Ian Bogost “The worship of the algorithm is hardly the only example of the theological reversal of the Enlightenment—for another sign, just look at the surfeit of nonfiction books promising insights into “The Science of…” anything, from laughter to marijuana. But… Continue Reading

Hummingbirds control hovering flight by stabilizing visual motion

Benjamin Goller and Douglas L. Altshuler – Published online before printDecember 8, 2014, doi:10.1073/pnas.1415975111  PNAS December 8, 2014 “The avian brain has numerous specializations for navigation and processing visual information, but relatively little is known about how flying birds control their position in space. To study the role of vision in controlling hovering flight, we developed a virtual… Continue Reading