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Search Results for: metadata

Rovi and Michigan State University Establish Largest U.S. Library Media Collection

News release: “Rovi Corporation and Michigan State University (MSU) today announced that Rovi has donated a rare and valuable media collection to MSU. This donation establishes the largest media collection held by a library in the United States. The new “Rovi Media Collection” is comprised of close to one million CDs, Blu-Rays, DVDs, and video… Continue Reading

New Self-Guided Curriculum for Digitization

DPLA: “Through the Public Library Partnerships Project (PLPP), DPLA has been working with existing DPLA Service Hubs to provide digital skills training for public librarians and connect them sustainably with state and regional resources for digitizing, describing, and exhibiting their cultural heritage content. During the project, DPLA collaborated with trainers at Digital Commonwealth, Digital Library of Georgia, Minnesota… Continue Reading

UK surveillance program collected billions of records from persons in multiple countries

Ryan Gallagher, The Intercept: “…The mass surveillance operation — code-named KARMA POLICE — was launched by British spies about seven years ago without any public debate or scrutiny. It was just one part of a giant global Internet spying apparatus built by the United Kingdom’s electronic eavesdropping agency, Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ…The surveillance is underpinned by… Continue Reading

GPO to issue RFP for archival digitization of Federal Register

Via FedBizOpps: “The Library of Congress intends to issue a request for proposal (RFP) on or about October 1, 2015 for the provision of preservation digitization services adhering to federal agency digitization guidelines on behalf of FEDLINK customer, U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO / GPOV). Scope. GPO is undertaking an effort to digitize Federal Register… Continue Reading

NISO Launches New Primer Series with the Publication of Primer on Research Data Management

“The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has launched a new Primer Series on information management technology issues with the publication of the first primer on the topic of Research Data Management. Two more primers on the topics of Understanding Metadata and Linked Data for Cultural Institutions, respectively, will be released in coming months, with additional… Continue Reading

Smithsonian Institution’s Plan for Increased Public Access to Results of Federally Funded Research

“PURPOSE: This document outlines the Smithsonian Institution’s plan to provide increased public access to certain peer-reviewed scholarly publications and supporting digital research data that arise from research funded, in whole or in part, by a federal funding source (hereinafter “Federally Funded Research Materials” or “FFRM”), consistent with the principles of access under the Office of… Continue Reading

McKinsey insights on change management

The phrase “change management” has been widely referenced across the private and public sectors for decades.  Librarians have embraced and executed objectives based upon change management concepts in no small measure due to the inherent agility, adaptability and futures thinking of the professional. From the nacent World Wide Web to the current multi-faceted scope of… Continue Reading

Statement by the ODNI on Retention of Data Collected Under Section 215 of USA PATRIOT Act

July 27, 2015: “On June 29, 2015, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court approved the Government’s application to resume the Section 215 bulk telephony metadata program pursuant to the USA FREEDOM Act’s 180-day transition provision. As part of our effort to transition to the new authority, we have evaluated whether NSA should maintain access to the… Continue Reading

Making Sense of Mobile Technology – The Integration of Work and Private Life

“Mobile technologies have facilitated a radical shift in work and private life. In this article, we seek to better understand how individual mobile technology users have made sense of these changes and adapted to them. We have used narrative enquiry and sensemaking to collect and analyze the data. The findings show that mobile technology use… Continue Reading

USA FREEDOM Act Reinstates Expired USA PATRIOT Act Provisions

CRS Legal Sidebar USA FREEDOM Act Reinstates Expired USA PATRIOT Act Provisions but Limits Bulk Collection 6/4/2015: “Following a contentious debate and passagein the Senate, the USA FREEDOM Act (H.R. 2048) was signed into law onJune 2, 2015. The new law contains eight titles, spanning a range of national security topics from reauthorizing expired investigative… Continue Reading

Data Collection From Consumers Continues Without Transparency

National Journal – “Don’t be fooled: Congress may have finally passed the bill reining in the National Security Agency’s bulk-surveillance programs  [USA Freedom Act of 2015], but your data is still being collected on the Internet. Lost in the debate over the NSA is the fact that companies like Google and Facebook continue to vacuum… Continue Reading

Overview of Constitutional Challenges to NSA Collection Activities

CRS – Overview of Constitutional Challenges to NSA Collection Activities, Edward C. Liu, Legislative Attorney; Andrew Nolan, Legislative Attorney, Richard M. Thompson II, Legislative Attorney. May 21, 2015. “Beginning in summer 2013, media reports of foreign intelligence activities conducted by the National Security Agency (NSA) have been widely published. The reports have focused on two… Continue Reading