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Search Results for: poverty

Youth with Autism: Federal Agencies Should Take Additional Action to Support Transition-Age Youth

Youth with Autism: Federal Agencies Should Take Additional Action to Support Transition-Age Youth, GAO-17-352: Published: May 4, 2017. Publicly Released: May 4, 2017. “According to GAO’s nationwide survey of school district special education directors, GAO estimates that about 85 percent of districts in school year 2015-16, provided youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) services such… Continue Reading

CDC – African American Health: Creating Equal Opportunities for Health

Cunningham TJ, Croft JB, Liu Y, Lu H, Eke PI, Giles WH. Vital Signs: Racial Disparities in Age-Specific Mortality Among Blacks or African Americans — United States, 1999–2015. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. ePub: 2 May 2017. DOI: “The death rate for African Americans dropped 25% from 1999-2015, but they are still more likely… Continue Reading

GPO releases digital Congressional Record from 1961-1970

The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) partners with the Library of Congress to release the digital version of the bound Congressional Record from 1961-1970 on GPO’s govinfo ( This release covers debates and proceedings of the 87th thru the 91st Congresses. Spanning approximately 380,000 Congressional Record pages, this era covers historical topics such as: The… Continue Reading

35 Years Of American Death and Patterns of Death in the South in Shadow of Slavery

FiveThirtyEight – 35 Years Of American Death Mortality rates for leading causes of death in every U.S. county from 1980 to 2014: “Researchers have long argued that where we live can help predict how we die. But how much our location affects our health is harder to say, because death certificates, the primary source for… Continue Reading

2016 UNDP Human Development Report

UN news release: “Inequality within countries is a profound challenge to well-functioning societies. The international development community’s latest effort to tackle this challenge is the desire to Leave No One Behind. This principle, outlined in the Sustainable Development Agenda, argues that progress on the Sustainable Development Goals can only be viewed as progress if those… Continue Reading

Companies Stashing the Most Money Overseas

24/7 Wall St – “The U.S. economic system encourages cost-cutting at every stage of business. While taxes are a yearly expense for small businesses, working families, and individuals, large U.S. companies avoid billions in taxes each year on cash held in offshore bank accounts. The current level of global wealth inequality, which is widely expected… Continue Reading

Map documents inequality in education in US

Via CityLab: “Neighborhoods in which a person grows up affect his or her future earnings, longevity, and educational outcomes—all of which are, of course, interconnected. That’s vividly evident in a new dot map showing the distribution of the U.S. population by educational attainment. This interactive visualization was created by Kyle Walker, a geography professor at… Continue Reading

2017 Index of Global Economic Freedom

“For much of human history, most individuals have lacked economic freedom and opportunity, condemning them to poverty and deprivation. Today, we live in the most prosperous time in human history. Poverty, sicknesses, and ignorance are receding throughout the world, due in large part to the advance of economic freedom. In 2017, the principles of economic… Continue Reading

ProPublica Project – Documenting Hate

“The 2016 election left many in America afraid – of intolerance and the violence it can inspire. The need for trustworthy facts on the details and frequency of hate crimes and other incidents born of prejudice has never been more urgent. At this point, there is simply no reliable national data on crimes. And no… Continue Reading

A Critique of the Conventional Problematisation of Social Immobility in Elite Legal Education and the Profession

Ferguson, Lucinda, Complicating the ‘Holy Grail’, Simplifying the Search: A Critique of the Conventional Problematisation of Social Immobility in Elite Legal Education and the Profession (February 16, 2017). The Law Teacher, Vol. 51, (Forthcoming). Available at SSRN: “This article challenges the conventional problematisation of and response to insufficient socio-economic diversity in elite legal education… Continue Reading

Facebook CEO pens commentary – Building Global Community

Building Global Community –  Mark Zuckerberg, February 16, 2017 – To our community, On our journey to connect the world, we often discuss products we’re building and updates on our business. Today I want to focus on the most important question of all: are we building the world we all want? History is the story… Continue Reading

Research – Basic Facts about Low-Income Children in America

National Center for Children in Poverty Report January 2017 – “Among all children under 18 years in the U.S., 43 percent live in low-income families and 21 percent—approximately one in five—lives in a poor family. This means that children are overrepresented among our nation’s poor; they represent 23 percent of the population but comprise 33… Continue Reading