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Search Results for: poverty

Measuring the Adequacy of Retirement Income: A Primer

CBO – “Over the next 30 years, the share of the U.S. population age 65 and older will increase from about 15 percent to almost 22 percent, spurring growing interest in understanding whether people will have adequate income in retirement. As reflected in an extensive body of literature on the topic, researchers have developed diverse… Continue Reading

Changes in Tech and Trade Disrupting Manufacturing-Led Development

“Advances in technology and changing trade patterns are affecting opportunities for export-led manufacturing. Smart automation, advanced robotics and 3-D printing are new factors influencing which locations are attractive for production. While these shifts threaten significant disruptions in future employment, particularly for low-skilled workers, they also offer opportunities, according to a new report released today by… Continue Reading

Statistics for More Than 40 Demographic and Economic Topics Provide Detailed Profiles of Communities Nationwide

“The U.S. Census Bureau today released its most detailed look at America’s people, places and economy with new statistics on income, poverty, health insurance and more than 40 other topics from the American Community Survey. Many states saw an increase in income and a decrease in poverty rates between 2015 and 2016. During that same… Continue Reading

New Report on Improving Effectiveness of Government Programs

“September 7, 2017 the House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) released the following statement in response to the release of the report of the Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking: “Taxpayers deserve to know that the programs they fund are working—especially when those programs are meant to help lift people out of poverty. But too often, Washington measures… Continue Reading

GOP stalls vote on repeal and replace of Obama health care act

Follow up to previous postings cited in Senate version of House health care repeal and replace bill eliminates coverage for 22 million Americans – tonight via Dan Balz, the Washington Post – ‘Repeal and replace’ was once a unifier for the GOP. Now it’s an albatross. “After seven years, Republicans’ promise to overhaul the Affordable Care… Continue Reading

Progress in U.S. Women’s Well-Being Stalled in Recent Generations

(June 2017) The level of well-being of young American women (ages 16 to 34) rose significantly for members of the Baby Boom generation but hit a wall for women in subsequent generations, the Population Reference Bureau (PRB) concludes in a new report.  In its latest Population Bulletin, “Losing Ground: Young Women’s Well-Being Across Generations in… Continue Reading

Analysis identifies states where welfare supports least and most families

“24/7 Wall St. reviewed the TANF-to-poverty ratio — which measures the number of families receiving benefits for every 100 families living in poverty — in every state from the Urban Institute. In its May 2017 report, “Why Does Cash Welfare Depend on Where You Live?,” the policy think tank analyzed data from the government and… Continue Reading

Cmte. for a Responsible Federal Budget challenges Trump’s huge spending cuts

Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget President Maya MacGuineas said the following: “President Trump’s first full budget was previewed tonight. [America First – A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again] The budget calls for $3.6 trillion of spending reductions and reforms over the next decade. The White House Office of Management and Budget estimates that… Continue Reading

The Emoji States of America – a new way to present government data

I admit to not being and emjoi aficionado, so to make up for this apparent deficit, I offer you The Emoji States of America – via Axios Visuals Editor Lazaro Gamio: “This visualization is a modified version of Chernoff Faces, a technique that maps multiple statistical values to the features of a face. Because it’s… Continue Reading