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Search Results for: NSA surveillance

Privacy Protests: Surveillance Evasion and Fourth Amendment Suspicion

Privacy Protests: Surveillance Evasion and Fourth Amendment Suspicion, Elizabeth E. Joh, U.C. Davis School of Law – Arizona Law Review, Vol. 55, No. 4, (2013), Forthcoming” The police tend to think that those who evade surveillance are criminals. Yet the evasion may only be a protest against the surveillance itself. Faced with the growing surveillance… Continue Reading

Coaltion of Good Government Groups Urge US Attorney General to Release Reports on Telephone Surveillance

“[On July 8, 2013] the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), along with 22 other good-government groups, sent a letter to the US Department of Justice urging Attorney General Eric Holder to make public any reports by Inspector General Michael Horowitz regarding the collection of Americans’ telephone records under Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act.… Continue Reading

EPIC Files Supreme Court Petition, Challenges Domestic Surveillance Program

“EPIC has filed a Petition with the U.S. Supreme Court, asking the Court vacate an unlawful order by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that enables the collection of all domestic phone record by the NSA. The order, directed to Verizon, requires the production of all “call detail records” for calls made “wholly within the United… Continue Reading

EPIC Files Supreme Court Petition, Challenges Domestic Surveillance Program

“EPIC has filed a Petition with the U.S. Supreme Court, asking the Court vacate an unlawful order by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that enables the collection of all domestic phone record by the NSA. The order, directed to Verizon, requires the production of all “call detail records” for calls made “wholly within the United… Continue Reading

UK Parliament to launch in-depth inquiry into US surveillance programmes

News release: “Parliament’s Civil Liberties Committee will conduct an “in-depth inquiry” into the US surveillance programmes, including the bugging of EU premises and other spying allegations, and present its results by the end of this year, says a resolution passed by the full House on Thursday. Parliament’s President and political group leaders formally confirmed the… Continue Reading

UK Guardian – France ‘runs vast electronic spying operation using NSA-style methods’

Angelique Chrisafis in Paris – Intelligence agency has spied on French public’s phone calls, emails and internet activity, says Le Monde newspaper “France runs a vast electronic surveillance operation, intercepting and stocking data from citizens’ phone and internet activity, using similar methods to the US National Security Agency’s Prism programme exposed by Edward Snowden, Le… Continue Reading

Curious about surveillance? FOIA has answers.

Sunshine in Government Initiative – June 27, 2013 “Many Americans are curious about electronic surveillance by the federal government. Conveniently, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has already helped provide some answers. Although much of the interest and attention arises from journalism in recent days (here, here, here, and here, and related stories), America has… Continue Reading

Commentary – Technology, Not Law, Limits Mass Surveillance

Technology, Not Law, Limits Mass Surveillance, by Ashkan Soltani – MIT Technology Review July 2013 “Recent revelations about the extent of surveillance by the U.S. National Security Agency come as no surprise to those with a technical background in the workings of digital communications. The leaked documents show how the NSA has taken advantage of the increased… Continue Reading

Spiegel Online – “NSA Snoops on 500 Million German Data Connections”

By Laura Poitras, Marcel Rosenbach and Holger Stark: “America’s National Security Agency (NSA) is apparently spying on Germany more than previously believed. Secret documents from the US intelligence service, which have been viewed by SPIEGEL journalists, reveal that the NSA systematically monitors and stores a large share of the country’s telephone and Internet connection data.… Continue Reading

WaPo Documents NSA’s secret programs work

Timothy B. Lee, “In the last few days, the press has focused on NSA leaker Edward Snowden and his efforts to evade capture by the U.S. government. But the more important story is what we’ve learned about National Security Agency surveillance programs thanks to his disclosures.” See also WaPo – NSA slides explain the PRISM… Continue Reading

UK Guardian – “NSA collected US email records in bulk for more than two years under Obama”

Follow up to EPIC – Congress Begins Investigation of NSA Domestic Surveillance Program – via Glenn Greenwald and Spencer Ackerman: “The Obama administration for more than two years permitted the National Security Agency to continue collecting vast amounts of records detailing the email and internet usage of Americans, according to secret documents obtained by the Guardian. The documents indicate that under the program, launched in… Continue Reading

The Hill – Tech companies fret over loss of consumers’ trust after NSA revelations

Jennifer Martinez : “The country’s most prominent tech companies, including Google and Facebook, are scrambling to save their reputations with users following the revelations over a National Security Agency surveillance program that monitors Internet traffic to thwart terrorist attacks. Since the reports broke, tech companies have mobilized into full-on damage control mode in hopes of… Continue Reading