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Search Results for: CFPB

Financial Resource Guides for Newcomers to US

“Throughout the United States, people unfamiliar with our financial marketplace are more likely to fall prey to frauds and schemes. Low English literacy can make it even harder to manage money safely and effectively on a day-to-day basis. To help, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) developed a series of guides that provide information about… Continue Reading

Mid-year update on student loan complaints 2015

“The CFPB received more than 3,100 private student loan complaints between October 1, 2014, and March 31, 2015, a 34% increase over the prior reporting period. The CFPB also received approximately 1,100 debt collection complaints related to student loans during this period. Many private student lenders advertise options to release a co-signer from a private… Continue Reading

Are You Looking to Buy a Home?

“Buying a home is one of the most exciting yet one of the most difficult financial decisions you will make. Understanding the costs of real estate settlement services, defining what affordable means to you, and finding the best mortgage are among the many aspects you’ll need to consider. This new toolkit (PDF) from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), offers a… Continue Reading

Struggling private student loan borrowers are still searching for help

CFPB: “In the years leading up to the financial crisis, many of the same subprime lending practices that led to troubles in the mortgage market also existed in the private student loan market. Like the homeowners who turned to their mortgage servicer to modify their loans but ran into customer service dead ends, lost paperwork… Continue Reading

Updated reverse mortgage guide: Two things you should know

CFPB: “More and more homeowners are considering tapping their home equity as they approach retirement age. Getting a reverse mortgage is one way that some older homeowners can do that. Reverse mortgages are a special type of home equity loan sold to homeowners aged 62 years and older, which are repaid when the borrowers sell… Continue Reading

Plan and protect your finances with a my Social Security account

CFPB – “Whether you’re one of the millions of workers who pay Social Security taxes or the 50 million retired Americans and dependents who receive benefits, it’s good to keep track of your Social Security benefits. National My Social Security Week takes place August 17 to 23 — the perfect time to take a step toward creating… Continue Reading

A new school year, a new resource for parents and kids

CFPB – “Parents are the strongest influence on how kids learn and think about money, and the back-to-school shopping season is a great time for some major money lessons.This year, try thinking differently about back-to-school shopping. While you plan and shop, say what you’re doing—your children are listening. You don’t have to give lectures. Just make… Continue Reading

Consumer advisory: Virtual currencies and what you should know about them

CFPB: “You may have heard about virtual currencies like Bitcoin, XRP, and Dogecoin. But what are virtual currencies? What’s this “to the moon!” business on the internet about? And, as a consumer, what risks should you be aware of? While virtual currencies offer the potential for innovation, a lot of big issues have yet to be… Continue Reading

Your Money, Your Goals: Financial empowerment tools for social services

CFPB: “Many people feel overwhelmed by their financial situations, and they may not know where to go for help. For many low-income Americans, frontline staff of nonprofit and public social services programs are in a unique position to provide that help. Their clients already know and trust them, and in many cases, they’re already sharing financial… Continue Reading

Privacy Protection for Customer Financial Information – CRS

Privacy Protection for Customer Financial Information – M. Maureen Murphy, Legislative Attorney. July 14, 2014 “One of the functions transferred to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) under P.L. 111-203, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank), is authority to issue regulations and take enforcement actions under the two major federal statutes that specify conditions under which customer… Continue Reading

Work Plan ongoing and planned audit and evaluation projects – IG

“The Work Plan presents the audits and evaluations that the Office of Inspector General (OIG) is conducting to assist the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) in fulfilling their respective missions. Our statutory mandates are our highest priority, and with our remaining resources, we focus… Continue Reading