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Search Results for: Deepwater Horizon

Minerals Management Service Relaunched as Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement

Follow up to postings on the Gulf Coast oil spill, this news release: “Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar wore-in former Justice Department Inspector General Michael Bromwich to lead reforms that will strengthen oversight and policing of offshore oil and gas development. Bromwich will oversee the fundamental restructuring of the former Minerals Management Service, which… Continue Reading

Flow Rate Technical Group – Updates on Progress of Scientific Teams Analyzing Flow Rates from BP's Well

Follow up to postings on the Gulf Coast oil spill, this news release: “On May 27, the Plume Modeling Team, which analyzed video obtained from BP, provided an initial lower bound estimate of 12,000 to 25,000 barrels of oil per day, but at that point were continuing their work to provide an upper bound estimate.”… Continue Reading