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Overcoming Hurdles And Shaping The Future Of Legal Tech In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence

Above the Law – Legal professionals are confronted with challenges such as technological barriers, ethical concerns, and evolving legal frameworks and regulations, b One of the cornerstones of the United States’ (US) legal system is stare decisis, a principle established in the early 1800s. Stare decisis mandates that courts and judges should uphold precedent or past cases’ outcomes, decisions, and opinions. This adherence to precedent ensures the stability of the law and makes its application more predictable and less arbitrary. Although this principle might not be absolute, it does illustrate how US-based legal systems tend to rely on precedents. It also underscores a fundamental challenge that arises when this legal system attempts to adapt to rapid changes or technological innovations. It is becoming increasingly clear that the legal industry is undergoing rapid changes due to the latest advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in the form of generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI). As we step into this new era, speculating about future Gen AI trends while we — professionals within legal tech — prepare to steer legal colleagues through responsible and efficient Gen AI adoption, we must remain intentionally aware of the necessity to engage in continuous dialogue with stakeholders and highlight the importance of collaboration and shared responsibility. As legal professionals are engaging with the process of adopting Gen AI, they are confronted with challenges such as technological barriers, ethical concerns, and evolving legal frameworks and regulations. Ethical considerations are of utmost importance, underscoring the necessity of responsible Gen AI integration. Gen AI, a field of artificial intelligence that seeks to generate new text, images, and other types of content by learning from large amounts of data, has a unique characteristic compared to other AI tools. It can create new content even though it is still the result of learning patterns and language structures from large amounts of data. The impact of Gen AI in the legal sector is profound. From automating document reviews to conducting legal research and drafting contracts, Gen AI holds the promise to boost the efficiency of legal processes and redefine the boundaries of reasoning and practice…”

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