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Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's proposed online copyright protection plan

OECD draft Communiqué on Principles for Internet Policy-Making, June 29, 2011

  • “The policy-making principles in this communiqué are designed to help preserve the fundamental openness of the Internet while concomitantly meeting certain public policy objectives, such as the protection of privacy, security, children online, and intellectual property, as well as the reinforcement of trust in the Internet. Effective protection of intellectual property rights plays a vital role in spurring innovation and furthers the development of the Internet economy. Internet policy making principles need to take into account the unique social, technical and economic aspects of the Internet environment. It is clear that the open and accessible nature of the Internet needs to be supported for the benefit of freedom of expression, and to facilitate the legitimate sharing of information, knowledge and exchange of views by users including research and development that has brought about widespread innovation to our economies.”
  • OECD Internet Economy (Home)
  • EFF Declines to Endorse OECD Draft Communiqué on Principles for Internet Policy-Making: “We oppose legal and policy frameworks that encourage Internet intermediaries to filter and block online content or disconnect Internet users under a “graduated response” system after alleged copyright violations. Civil society calls on OECD member states to defend free expression and support due process and procedural safeguards in the protection of intellectual property rights.”
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