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OJR: Newspaper websites shine with online campaign graphics

Online Journalism Review: As the U.S. approaches the 2008 Presidential voting, website journalists are using interactive graphics to provide coverage at a glance, by Robert Niles: “Every election cycle inspires innovation at newspaper websites. This year, leading U.S. newspapers are offering some stunning online graphic tools to help their readers get an overview of the many elements of the campaign, at a glance.”

  • “Congressional Quarterly’s Election Map, on gives readers the option to see the publication’s projected Democrat vs. Republican breakdown for U.S. House and Senate seats, as well as for governors and the state-by-state results for the 2004 Presidential election.
  • “The NY Times shines, however, with its compelling page tracking Presidential campaign finances.”
  • “…to see where each candidate will be each day of the campaign, click to the Washington Post’s outstanding Campaign Tracker. The Post’s page blends a custom Google Map with a traditional list of candidate appearances…”
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