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OECD Reports on G20 Trade and Investment Measure, mid-October 2011 to mid-May 2012

OECD Reports on G20 Trade and Investment Measure,(mid-October 2011 to mid-May 2012), May 31, 2012: “The past seven months have not witnessed any slowdown in the imposition of new trade restricting measures by G-20 economies. These are adding to the stock of restrictions put in place since the outbreak of the global crisis. At the same time, the promised removal of existing restrictions is very slow. G-20 governments need to redouble their efforts to resist protectionist pressures and take active steps to keep markets open and advance trade liberalization. Some governments are facing particularly difficult economic conditions domestically; they must resist the temptation to move towards more nationalistic and inward-looking policies. This kind of policy will not solve their problems and they risk generating tit-for-tat reactions by their trading partners.”

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