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NSA Oversight Act Introduced

Press release: “On Thursday, Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA)…[introduced] legislation to address the NSA’s warrantless surveillance of Americans on American soil…The bill, the NSA OVERSIGHT ACT, would:

  • Reiterate Current FISA and Wiretap Laws – states that FISA and the federal criminal wiretap statutes shall continue to be the exclusive means by which domestic electronic surveillance may be conducted.
  • Clarify Military Force Statute – makes clear that the Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF), passed days after the September 11th attacks, does not contain any exception to that rule.
    Require Congressional Action – makes clear that the above-mentioned laws apply unless Congress amends the laws or passes additional laws regarding electronic surveillance.
  • Report on the Extent of the Wiretapping Program – requires the President to disclose to Congress information about U.S. persons who have been the subject of any such electronic surveillance.”
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