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New World Bank Group Strategy to Help Brazil Lift 16 Million from Extreme Poverty by 2014

News release: “A new World Bank Group initiative will help Brazil’s efforts to eradicate extreme poverty in the country, the World Bank announced today. The Bank’s Board approved a US$ 8 billion new Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for Brazil, which will guide the Group’s overall program in the country for the fiscal years 2012-2015. The strategy calls for close coordination with the new national extreme poverty eradication program, Brasil sem Miséria, which aims to improve social and economic opportunities for 16 million of the country’s most vulnerable people. The two-pronged strategy will bolster support for Brazil’s Northeastern region – where 59 percent of the country’s extreme poor live – while also promoting inequality-reducing investments in other regions, to help achieve Brazil’s growth potential and mainstream cross-cutting issues such as gender.”

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