I will being this post by saying, What!, and move quickly to the report: “Common Sense today announced the release of The Common Sense Census: Media Use by Kids Age Zero to Eight, the third installment in an ongoing series of national surveys tracking the use of media and technology among U.S. children from birth to age 8. Among the key findings is the spike in the number of young children who have their own tablet device (now 42 percent, up from 1 percent in 2011) and the amount of time children age 0 to 8 are spending with mobile devices (48 minutes, up from just five minutes in 2011). The Common Sense Census: Media Use by Kids Age Zero to Eight is based on a large, nationally representative sample of respondents and replicates methods from 2011 and 2013 to gauge how media environments and behaviors have changed over the years. At a time of revolutionary change in the media landscape, the study is the only one of its kind, tracking young children’s use of new mobile media devices and apps along with older media platforms such as television, computers, and books. In light of the new research, Common Sense is launching a series of new PSAs featuring actor Will Ferrell as a continuation of its ongoing #DeviceFreeDinner campaign. The campaign challenges parents and kids to put down their devices during dinnertime and enjoy in-person conversation. The new ads were developed in partnership with Bay Area advertising agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners…” [And end this by saying I sure am glad I grew up with books and reading aloud and continue both every day. And an aside, even though some folks appear to be talking to ourselves at work while looking at our multiple screens – we are really helping ourselves to understand and articulate to our customers the analysis, research and knowledge services we are proving.]
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