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New Report – Future Mobility in Maryland: Meeting the State’s Need for Safe and Efficient Mobility

Future Mobility in Maryland: Meeting the State’s Need for Safe and Efficient Mobility (February 2011): “Without a substantial boost in transportation funding, Maryland will be unable to complete numerous projects to improve the condition and expand the capacity of roads, bridges, highways and public transit, hampering the state’s ability to improve mobility and to enhance economic development opportunities in the state.”

  • “Insufficient roads cost Maryland’s drivers a total of $7 billion every year in the form of traffic crashes, additional vehicle operating costs (VOC) and congestion-related delays.
  • A lack of available transportation funding in the future is projected to lead to more deteriorated road and bridge conditions and increased congestion in Maryland’s major urban areas. Without additional funds, the state will be unable to complete many needed transportation improvement projects.
  • TRIP estimates that Maryland’s roadways that lack some desirable safety features, have inadequate capacity to meet travel demands or have poor pavement conditions cost the state’s drivers approximately $7 billion annually in the form of traffic crashes, additional vehicle operating costs and congestion-related delays.
  • TRIP has calculated the cost to motorists of driving on roads that are deteriorated, congested and lack some desirable safety features in the Baltimore and Washington, DC metro areas….”

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