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New Orleans Three Years After the Storm: The Second Kaiser Post-Katrina Survey, 2008

“The Kaiser Family Foundation released the results of its second major survey tracking the views and experiences of New Orleans residents amid the ongoing challenges facing the community nearly three years after Hurricane Katrina hit on August 29, 2005. Designed and analyzed by Kaiser researchers, the comprehensive survey offers an in-depth look at the struggles of life in New Orleans nearly three years after Katrina hit and the city’s levees were breached. The survey results provide a detailed assessment of how people currently living in New Orleans assess the recovery effort, the ongoing disruptions in their lives, their priorities for rebuilding and their views on the city’s struggles, including perceptions about divisions within the city based on income and race. The study also looks at the mental and physical health challenges facing residents, as well as their access to health care services. Fielded house to house and by telephone in the spring among 1,294 residents of Orleans Parish, the survey is the second of at least three that the Foundation will conduct to track residents’ experiences and views as the city rebuilds after Hurricane Katrina. By providing an over-time assessment of residents’ experiences, priorities, goals, and concerns, the Foundation hopes to give people a continuing chance to report on how the recovery effort is affecting them, to inform leaders of the public’s priorities and to maintain national attention on the efforts to rebuild New Orleans.”

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