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New GAO Reports: Military Readiness, National Security

  • Military Readiness: Navy Needs to Reassess Its Metrics and Assumptions for Ship Crewing Requirements and Training, GAO-10-592, June 09, 2010.
  • National Security: Key Challenges and Solutions to Strengthen Interagency Collaboration, GAO-10-822T, June 09, 2010: “Federal agencies have an opportunity to enhance interagency collaboration by addressing long-standing problems and achieving meaningful results that better position the U.S. government to respond to changing conditions and future uncertainties. Progress has been made in enhancing interagency collaboration, but success will require leadership commitment, sound plans that set clear priorities, and measurable goals — as well as results-oriented performance measures that can be used to gauge progress and make adjustments. The federal agencies involved in national security will need to make concerted efforts to forge strong and collaborative partnerships, and seek coordinated solutions that leverage the expertise and capabilities across the community. Sustained and inspired attention is needed to overcome the many barriers to working across agency boundaries. Strengthening interagency collaboration — with leadership as the foundation—can help transform our U.S. government agencies and create a more unified, comprehensive approach to national security issues at home and abroad.”

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