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New GAO Reports: Managing Sensitive Information, State and Local Government Retiree Health Benefits

  • Managing Sensitive Information: Actions Needed to Prevent Unintended Public Disclosures of U.S. Nuclear Sites and Activities, GAO-10-251, December 15, 2009: “While no single U.S. government agency or office was entirely responsible for the public disclosure of the draft declaration, all of the agencies and offices involved in preparing and publishing the draft declaration share some responsibility for its public release. We identified several points during the life cycle of the draft document where problems occurred. Specifically, we found that opportunities to improve the secure handling of the document were missed because of the absence of clear interagency guidance, different procedures across the agencies governing the handling and marking of sensitive documents, poor decision making, and a lack of training and adequate security awareness. These missed opportunities occurred between February 2008 and May 2009. Several U.S. government agencies played key roles in preparing and making important decisions regarding the publication of the draft declaration: DOE, Commerce, State, NRC, the White House (the National Security Council and Executive Clerk’s Office), the U.S. House of Representatives (Office of the Parliamentarian, Office of Security, and the Clerk’s Office), and GPO. Figure 2 is a two-page summary of key dates and events that occurred during the life cycle of the draft declaration, leading up to its inadvertent public release on May 7, 2009.”
  • State and Local Government Retiree Health Benefits: Liabilities Are Largely Unfunded, but Some Governments Are Taking Action, GAO-10-61, November 30, 2000: “The total unfunded OPEB liability reported in state and the largest local governments’ CAFRs exceeds $530 billion. However, as variations between studies’ totals show, totaling unfunded OPEB liabilities across governments is challenging for a number of reasons, including the way that governments disclose such data. The unfunded OPEB liabilities for states and local governments GAO reviewed varied widely in size. Most of these governments do not have any assets set aside to fund them.”

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