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New GAO Reports: Defense Health Care, Intermodal Transportation, Managerial Cost Accounting Practices, National Marine Fisheries Service

  • Defense Health Care: Comprehensive Oversight Framework Needed to Help Ensure Effective Implementation of a Deployment Health Quality Assurance Program, GAO-07-831, June 22, 2007
  • Intermodal Transportation: DOT Could Take Further Actions to Address Intermodal Barriers, GAO-07-718, June 20, 2007
  • Managerial Cost Accounting Practices: Implementation and Use Vary Widely across 10 Federal Agencies, GAO-07-679, July 20, 2007
  • Military Personnel: Improved Quality Controls Needed over Servicemembers’ Employment Rights Claims at DOL, GAO-07-907, July 20, 2007
  • National Marine Fisheries Service: Improved Economic Analysis and Evaluation Strategies Needed for Proposed Changes to Atlantic Large Whale Protection Plan, GAO-07-881, July 20, 2007
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