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New GAO Reports: Climate Monitoring, Decennial Census, Defense Logistics, Energy Star, Motor Carrier Safety, Streamlining Government

  • Climate Monitoring: NOAA Can Improve Management of the U.S. Historical Climatology Network, GAO-11-800, Aug 31, 2011
  • Decennial Census: Census Bureau and Postal Service Should Pursue Opportunities to Further Enhance Collaboration, GAO-11-874, Sep 30, 2011
  • Defense Logistics: Department of Defense Has Enhanced Prepositioned Stock Management but Should Provide More Detailed Status Reports, GAO-11-852R, Sep 30, 2011
  • Energy Star: Providing Opportunities for Additional Review of EPA’s Decisions Could Strengthen the Program, GAO-11-888, Sep 30, 2011
  • Motor Carrier Safety: More Assessment and Transparency Could Enhance Benefits of New Oversight Program, GAO-11-858, Sep 29, 2011
  • Streamlining Government: Key Practices from Select Efficiency Initiatives Should Be Shared Governmentwide, GAO-11-908, Sep 30, 2011
  • Veterans Disability Benefits: Clearer Information for Veterans and Additional Performance Measures Could Improve Appeal Process, GAO-11-812, Sep 29, 2011

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