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New GAO Reports: Clean Air Act, Water and Biofuels and Electricity Production, Formula Grants, TARP

  • Clean Air Act: Preliminary Observations on the Effectiveness and Costs of Mercury Control Technologies at Coal-Fired Power Plants, GAO-09-860T, July 09, 2009
  • Energy and Water: Preliminary Observations on the Links between Water and Biofuels and Electricity Production, GAO-09-862T, July 09, 2009
  • Formula Grants: Census Data Are among Several Factors That Can Affect Funding Allocations, GAO-09-832T, July 09, 2009
  • Military Base Realignments and Closures: DOD Needs to Update Savings Estimates and Continue to Address Challenges in Consolidating Supply-Related Functions at Depot Maintenance Locations, GAO-09-703, July 09, 2009
  • Troubled Asset Relief Program: Status of Participants’ Dividend Payments and Repurchases of Preferred Stock and Warrants, GAO-09-889T, July 09, 2009

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