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New GAO Reports: Arleigh Burke Destroyers, DOE, Strategic Program Planning, federal STEM education programs

  • Arleigh Burke Destroyers – Additional Analysis and Oversight Required to Support the Navy’s Future Surface Combatant Plans, GAO-12-113, Jan 24, 2012
  • Department of Energy – Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy Could Benefit from Information on Applicants’ Prior Funding, GAO-12-112, Jan 13, 2012
  • Department of Energy – Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy Could Improve Its Collection of Information from Applications, GAO-12-407T, Jan 24, 2012
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education –
    Strategic Planning Needed to Better Manage Overlapping Programs across Multiple Agencies, GAO-12-108, Jan 20, 2012

  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education – Survey of Federal Programs (GAO-12-110SP, January 2012), an E-supplement to GAO-12-108 GAO-12-110SP, Jan 20, 2012

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