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New GAO Report – TSA Has Taken Actions to Help Strengthen Security, but Could Improve

Pipeline Security: TSA Has Taken Actions to Help Strengthen Security, but Could Improve Priority-Setting and Assessment Processes, GAO-10-867, August 04, 2010

  • “The United States depends on avast network of pipelines to transport energy. GAO was asked to review the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) efforts to help ensure pipeline security. This report addresses the extent to which TSA’s Pipeline Security Division (PSD) has (1) assessed risk and prioritized efforts to help strengthen pipeline security, (2) implemented agency guidance and requirements of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 (9/11 Commission Act) regarding pipeline security, and (3) measured its performance in strengthening pipeline security. GAO reviewed PSD’s risk assessment process and performance measures and observed 14 PSD reviews and inspections scheduled during the period of GAO’s review.”
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