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New Brief Analyzes the Composition and Cost of Louisiana’s Uninsured Population After Hurricane Katrina

Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured: “The new brief, Louisiana’s Proposed Section 1115 Medicaid Demonstration Project: Estimating the Numbers of Uninsured and Projected Medicaid Costs, analyzes the composition and medical costs of the uninsured in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina. The estimates in the brief are the first available that are based on a detailed analysis of who the uninsured are in Louisiana, their current medical spending, and what their spending might be under Medicaid. The findings show that expanding Medicaid coverage to Louisiana’s uninsured would cost an estimated $2.3 billion in 2006 dollars. It also suggests that many of those who left Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina had coverage, so the number of uninsured in the state remained about the same, but their share of the total population increased. The brief was commissioned by Kaiser and prepared by Stephen Zuckerman of the Urban Institute and Jack Hadley of George Mason University.”

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