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National Infrastructure Advisory Council: Insider Threat to Critical Infrastructures Report and Recommendations

Transmittal Letter: “The insider threat to critical infrastructures constitutes a real and significant threat because of the potential a trusted insider has to inflict serious damage, including cascading and cross-sector effects and economic interruptions from critical infrastructure service losses. While many critical infrastructure operators have programs or measures in place addressing this threat to some degree, others do not fully understand or appreciate the threat posed by insiders, both to their company and also to our Nation. The Report provides recommendations for government policy to help improve the security posture of U.S. critical infrastructures against this threat. The recommendations include low-cost, easily implemented policy solutions for near term effect. The NIAC recommends that policy makers move swiftly to implement the near term improvements and increase the security of our critical infrastructures.”

  • The National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC) Insider Threat to Critical Infrastructures Report and Recommendations (PDF, 56 pages), April 2008
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