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NASA UFO report finds no evidence of ‘extraterrestrial origin’ for UAP sightings

NASA Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena  Independent Study Team Report

FRAMEWORK OF RECOMMENDATIONS – “Although AARO leads the whole-of-government response to UAP, the panel recommends that NASA play an essential role within that framework. NASA should leverage its core capabilities and expertise to determine whether it should take a leading or supporting role in implementing a
given recommendation.
ORGANIZATION OF THIS REPORT – This report is organized as follows. We present a systematic response to the eight charge elements that formed the Terms of Reference that NASA provided to the Independent Study Team, followed by a detailed set of conclusions and recommendations. These responses stemmed from a series of sub-panel reports that the entire team deliberated in full at the public meeting held on May 31, 2023, all of which are included as work products toward the end of this report for full public transparency.”

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