Mapping the Mal Web – The worlds riskiest domains, by Barbara Kay, CISSP, Secure by Design Group and Paula Greve, Director of Research, McAfee Labs
“McAfee has found overall web risk is up from last year. We saw increasing risk in some already risky portions of the web, such as .INFO; some significant reductions in risk within last years riskiest TLDs, especially Singapore (.SG) and Venezuela (.VE); and some new areas of concern, including Vietnam (.VN), Armenia (.AM), and Poland (.PL)…Next time you search for a celebrity photo or how to hint, pay special attention to the top-level domains (TLDs), the last few characters at the end of the URL in the search results. In this years Mapping the Mal Web study, McAfee found that web risk climbed to a record 6.2% of more than 27 million live domains we evaluated for this report. If users dont click with care, simply viewing a page can return much more than they bargained for. This year, more websites contain malicious code that steals passwords and identity information, takes advantage of security holes in browsers, or secretly installs the ingredients that turn computers into zombies…
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