“This study is part of a pilot project to create an index of legal-service delivery innovation. Phase 1, version 1.0 consists of a Catalog of Law Firm Innovations and a Law Firm Innovation Index, which is based on searches of law firm websites for indicia of innovation. This index is not intended to be a ranking of law firms—at least not in its current form. The data presented on this site must be viewed in their proper context. To obtain that context, carefully review this overview and the introduction and methodology sections that appear below the visualizations on the Innovation Catalog and Law Firm Index pages.
Catalog of Law Firm Innovations – This Catalog captures legal-service delivery innovations. It does not contain any substantive legal innovations (e.g., the “poison pill”). Only innovations that have been implemented are included. For example, law firms working with legal startups are identified only if they have moved beyond testing to offering a product to clients. Likewise, we do not attempt to identify every eDiscovery and due diligence service, since most firms offer these, although we have included some that include innovative or multidisciplinary offerings. When faced with close calls, we have generally erred on the side of inclusion.
Law Firm Innovation Index – This Phase 1, Version 1.0 of the Law Firm Innovation Index measures law firm innovation based on Google Advanced searches for indicators of innovation on law firm websites. This is not a ranking of law firms. As discussed below, this approach has weaknesses, including that it may not capture the most critical aspects of innovation, such as whether a firm has an innovative culture in which everyone from the bottom to top of the organization is engaged in innovation and efforts to continuously provide greater value to clients. That said, given the paucity of information currently available, this research ought to be a helpful addition to the discussion.”
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