Language of Compromise Bill on Detainee Treatment Subject of Continued Debate and Criticismby Sabrina I. Pacifici on Sep 23, 2006Via Jack M. Balkin, the latest version of the Military Commission Bill, including all of the compromises agreed to by the Administration and Senators McCain, Graham, and Warner.” Compromise on terror suspects criticized as full of holes, by Richard Simon, Julian E. Barnes, Los Angeles Times Critics say torture deal opens door to abuse – Compromise challenged by rights activists, by Margaret Talev and Greg Gordon, McClatchy Newspapers Congress in dark on terror program – Few briefed on CIA interrogation, by Rick Klein, Globe Staff, September 23, 2006 Graphic: Defining Limits in the Treatment of Detainees, New York Times, September 22, 2006 Human Rights Watch, September 22, 2006 – U.S. Senate Leaders Reject Explicit Redefinition of Geneva Conventions But Disappointing Compromise Weak on Enforcement, Eliminates Access to Courts for Victims of Abuse FacebookLinkedIn
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