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Is Our Pandemic the Ghost of the 1889 Russian Flu? and COVID-19 Booster Effectiveness Wanes After Four Months

The Tyee – “The ‘dreaded disease’ that claimed 1.5 million looks a lot like COVID-19, including the long-term threat posed by ‘viral promiscuity.’… About one in a 100 people infected by the contagion either died from pneumonia or experienced severe illness affecting the brain, lungs or stomach. The breadth and persistence of the outbreak reintroduced the word “pandemic” to the English vocabulary. To this day, the little-known biological storm ranks as one of the globe’s great disease outbreaks in terms of scale and mortality. Now, 133 years after that event, virologists and historians suspect that a novel coronavirus triggered the so-called “Russian flu pandemic.” Many view this pandemic as a dramatic historical preview of the current one — complete with variants, waves and longhaulers suffering from chronic neurological complications. Here are five scenes from this fascinating and evolving story…”

See also CDC: COVID-19 Booster Effectiveness Wanes After Four Months – The agency also finds that third shots prevented hospitalizations during the Omicron wave. Booster shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines protected against hospitalization during this winter’s Omicron surge, but lose a substantial amount of effectiveness after about four months, according to a newstudy published February 11, 2022 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Researchers found that mRNA vaccines remained highly effective against both moderate and severe cases of COVID-19 for about two months after a third dose, but the boosters’ effectiveness dropped substantially by four months. The study suggests that those at high risk of severe disease from SARS-CoV-2 infection may need additional booster shots…”

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