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Interviews of United States Supreme Court Justices

In Series of Videos, Supreme Court Justices Make Their Case – Justices’ candid observations and pet peeves spill forth in legal writing guru Bryan Garner’s video interviews. Legal Times, Tony Mauro
March 11, 2008.

  • “…the collection of videos on were shot at the Supreme Court and they star eight of the nine justices speaking passionately, sarcastically, angrily, into the camera as they answer questions about brief writing, oral advocacy and their own love-hate relationships with the written word. Their interviewer, legal writing guru Bryan Garner, quietly posted the eight videos on the Web site in January. Garner has interviewed dozens of judges, lawyers and writers over the years, seeking video clips for use in his profitable legal writing seminars. But he realized the interviews with the justices, conducted a year ago or more, were a unique treasure that he should not profit from, so he put them up without restriction, editing, fee or fanfare.”
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