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Implementation of Financial Stability Measures for Lloyds Banking Group and Royal Bank of Scotland

News release: “The Government is today announcing the conclusion of discussions with Lloyds Banking Group (Lloyds) and Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) regarding their participation in the Government’s Asset Protection Scheme (APS). As a result of improved market conditions and following extensive due diligence announced in February, the Government can today announce that:

  • Lloyds will not participate in the APS and instead will raise additional private sector capital and pay a fee to the taxpayer for the implicit protection provided to date. This will reduce the risk borne by the taxpayer, improving value for money;
  • RBS will participate in the APS under revised terms that improve incentives and deliver better risk-sharing with the private sector.
  • To promote greater competition in UK banking, and meet EU State Aid rules, the banks will also be required to make divestments of significant parts of their businesses over the next four years.”
  • Putting competition first – From – Lloyds and Royal Bank of Scotland are forced to sell businesses

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