What are the furloughs: “The Disability Determination Services (DDS) are state agencies responsible for developing medical evidence and making disability determinations. The Federal Government fully funds the DDS budgets through the Social Security Administration (SSA). The current economic climate presents budget-balancing challenges for many states. As a result, some states are furloughing state employees. A furlough is when a state places an employee in a temporary non-duty, non-pay status. 100% of the resources states use to make disability determinations are federally funded. States may not use the funding for any other purpose or program. The states save no money by furloughing employees working in the DDS. Federal regulations require that states avoid furloughs or other hiring restrictions whenever possible. The interactive map shows each DDS:
- In furlough;
- Exempt from furlough;
- Previously in furlough;
- Not in furlough
- In states that have ever been in furlough status, the corresponding state profile lists the aggregate estimated administrative funding lost to date, the aggregate estimated number of cases delayed to date, and the aggregate estimated dollar value of disability benefits delayed to date. In a state exempt or not in furlough status, these estimated numbers are shown by furlough day.”
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