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How to Register to Vote Online in Every State

Gizmodo: “Election Day is November 5 and the deadline to register to vote is coming up inmany states across the U.S. The vast majority of states let you register online, but voting rules in this country vary by location in a way that can sometimes be confusing. That’s why it’s so important to check that you’re registered, especially as some Republican-run states like Georgia have made it easier for anyone to cancel someone else’s registration. Registering to vote is pretty easy and painless, especially in states that allow eligible voters to do it online. Unfortunately, Arkansas, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Texas do not allow people to register through the web. Voters in those seven states are required to register either by mail or in person. If you opt to register by mail, it’s more important than ever to get that done early. The National Association of Secretaries of State and the National Association of State Election Directors recently raised concerns that the U.S. Postal Service wasn’t prepared for the massive influx of mail that will come with mail-in ballots across the country. And while USPS insists it’s ready, it’s better to be safe and get your registration in as soon as possible. There are also many different quirks that vary by state that everyone should pay attention to when sending documents via traditional mail. Most states give deadlines for registering that include a postmark deadline, but Maine voters need to make sure their registration paperwork is received by voting officials by October 15. Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington, New York, and the District of Columbia also have requirements about when your paperwork should be received, not when it’s postmarked. Below we’ve got all the registration deadlines for each state, along with links to where it’s incredibly easy to find information for your state. Federal officials will always try to point voters to, which is considered the most reliable source of information for voting rules and deadlines. It’s a one-stop shop for all the information you need, with links for registering…”

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