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Here are the companies OpenAI has made deals with to train ChatGPT

Fast company: “OpenAI’s chatbots scored a big new data source following the company’s deal with News Corp. on Wednesday. With the stroke of a pen, ChatGPT and the company’s other services added the Wall Street Journal, New York Post, MarketWatch, Barron’s, and other publications to its database. The deal, which did not include Fox News content, was the latest in a growing series of big data sharing agreements OpenAI has signed in an effort to educate its systems and expand the technology’s expertise. Just last week, the company signed a similar deal with Reddit to incorporate its content into ChatGPT and new products. The deals come after some media outlets, including The New York Times Company, have sued OpenAI and Microsoft for using their publications’ copyrighted stories without permission in training chatbots. Filed in Federal District Court in Manhattan, the suit alleges millions of NYTimes articles were used to train chatbots, which have begun to compete with the news outlet as information sources. A collective of well-known authors has also sued the company, alleging “systematic theft on a mass scale…”

See also Washington Post: The media bosses fighting back against AI — and the ones cutting deals. As OpenAI and other tech firms make advances, the media industry is split between pushing back and making deals.”

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