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Government Oversight Committee Holds Hearing on the Causes and Effects of the AIG Bailout

From Chairman Waxman’s Opening Statement: “Today we are holding our second day of hearings on the financial crisis on Wall Street. Yesterday, we examined the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Our focus today is AIG. There are obvious differences between Lehman and AIG. Lehman is an investment bank; AIG is an insurance company. Lehman fell because it placed highly leveraged bets in the subprime and real estate markets; AIG’s problems originate in complex derivatives called credit default swaps. But their stories are fundamentally the same. In each case, the companies and their executives grew rich by taking on excessive risk. In each case, the companies collapsed when these risks turned bad. And in each case, their executives are walking away with millions of dollars while taxpayers are stuck with billions of dollars in costs.”

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