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Governing in the Age of AI: A New Model to Transform the State

Governing in the Age of AI: A New Model to Transform the State is a joint report by the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change and Faculty.”…In this report, we describe an AI-enabled model of government in which every citizen has their own digital public assistant to help manage their relationship with the government, freeing up their time. Every public servant works alongside a team of AI co-workers and helpers, freeing them up to work on tasks that need their skills and dedication. Every minister or policymaker makes agile, aligned, strategic decisions with the help of a National Policy Twin, freeing them up to focus on unlocking prosperity and growth. Amid worry about the state of the public finances, a stagnant economy and crumbling public services, this moment might seem like the most limiting in living memory to be in government. In fact, considering the opportunities now presented by technology, it might yet be the most transformative. AI makes it possible to reimagine the state. The UK can again show leadership by demonstrating to the world what it means to govern in the age of AI…”

See also The Guardian UK: TechScape: Want to know how AI will affect government and politics? The bots have the answers. “Tony Blair’s powerful thinktank asked ChatGPT how AI might affect public sector jobs. Critics say the results were … wonky.”

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