Tourbird FAQ: “Touring Bird helps travelers explore, compare, and book tours, tickets, and activities from multiple providers in top destinations around the world—all in a single place. What can I do with Touring Bird? With Touring Bird, you can:
- Find everything in one place – When you select a destination city, you’ll see popular attractions, suggested tours and activities along with prices, options for free guided tours, and recommendations from locals and travel bloggers.
- Customize and compare options across multiple providers.
- We offer a unique “build-your-own package” feature for each destination’s top attractions. You can select exactly the options you want, then compare filtered offerings by price to find the best match. For example: Say you want to visit the Eiffel Tower on a certain day with access to the tower’s summit and skip-the-line access, followed by a lunch cruise on the Seine. You can—within seconds—find tour packages across multiple major providers (such as Viator, GetYourGuide, and Expedia) that meet those criteria, without having to comb through endless tour descriptions on different booking agency websites to determine what’s included or not.
- Explore by interest, traveler type, and activity type – Touring Bird curates hundreds of activities for every interest and type of traveler—from first-timers looking for classic experiences to those seeking more off-the-beaten-path activities, from families with kids to party animals to couples looking for romance. All offerings can be further filtered by type of activity, such as walking tours, classes, or social dining…”
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