What type of information can you find in the EJAtlas? The EJatlas maps conflicts across 10 main categories:
- Nuclear
- Mineral Ores and Building Extractions
- Waste Management
- Biomass and Land Conflicts
- Fossil Fuels, Energy and Climate Justice
- Water Management
- Infrastructure and Built Environment
- Tourism Recreation
- Biodiversity Conservation Conflicts
- Industrial and Utilities Conflicts
The database contains information on the investors, the drivers for these deals, and their impacts, basic data, source of conflict, project details, conflict and mobilisation, impacts, outcome, references to legislation, academic research, videos and pictures.Featured maps have been designed for the second launch of the EJAtlas in collaboration with different organisations. Featured maps integrate geospatial indicators to better illustrate specific topics and contexts in which socio-environmental conflicts take place. This entails showing a number of socio-economic indicators in the form of intensity/choropleth maps (i.e. GDP, poverty or material extraction) or representing different types of land uses and biophysical parameters (i.e. pasture lands, forests, location of mines, protected areas or water scarce areas). The geodata used include vectors from national planning agencies (such as the case of Colombia’s SIGOT) or international agencies providing geodata such as UNEP, World Resource Institute, NASA’s SEDAC, as well as data generated by organisations working in one specific topic such as shale gas (www.unconventionalenergyresources.com) or land uses (www.globallandproject.org). Socio-economic data from SIPRI, materialflows.net, UN Comtrade and others has also been transformed into geographical layers specifically for the EJAtlas, through geo-referencing statistical data. Further featured maps will be developed in collaboration and coordination with ongoing campaigns or research projects.
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