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Gallup – U.S. Homeownership Hits Decade Low

Gallup: The 62% of Americans who say they own their own home marks a new low since Gallup began tracking self-reported homeownership in 2001. The current level of homeownership marks a decline from 68% in 2011. For most of the prior decade, roughly seven in 10 Americans reported owning their own home. While the recession and financial crisis took place in 2008-2009, homeownership rates didn’t begin to reflect the bursting of the housing bubble until 2010, when 65% of Americans reported owning their own home — the lowest level recorded before this year…Part of the explanation for decade-low homeownership likely has to do with today’s broken housing finance system that depends on Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and FHA/VA. Potential home buyers can take advantage of today’s low mortgage interest rates only if they can meet significantly more stringent down payment and underwriting standards than was the case prior to the financial crisis.

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