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Gallup: Majority in U.S. Dissatisfied With Next Generation's Prospects

Gallup Politics: “Nearly six in 10 Americans are currently dissatisfied with the opportunity for the next generation of Americans to live better than their parents. Older Americans are particularly unhappy on this question, but on balance, the majority of young adults are negative as well. The idea of America as a place where citizens can rise above their economic position at birth depends partly on an economic system that rewards people based on effort and merit — not race, class, title, or other social barriers — and partly on Americans’ willingness to make a serious effort to succeed. Americans themselves currently have doubts about both aspects of that equation. Fifty percent of U.S. adults are satisfied with “the opportunity for a poor person in this nation to get ahead by working hard”; 48% are dissatisfied. Satisfaction with “Americans’ willingness to work hard to better themselves” is similarly mixed, with 52% satisfied and 45% dissatisfied.”

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