Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Overview Document – A New Era of Responsibility: Renewing Americas Promise, Office of Management and Budget, February 26, 2009 [146 pages, PDF], “provides a description of the Obama Administrations fiscal policies and major budgetary initiatives. This document is an overview of the full Fiscal Year 2010 Budget expected to be released this spring.”
White House Blog: “The overview for the proposed budget released by the President today is as good an example of that as you could find. For just a few examples: It sets aside more than $630 billion over ten years as a down payment towards fundamental health care reform. It makes permanent the $800 “Making Work Pay” tax cut for working families. It begins a comprehensive transformation of our energy supply by committing to a cap-and-trade system to be worked out in conjunction with Congress. The President has made clear he believes all of these issues are intertwined, so addressing these issues together represents a new comprehensive vision for the countrys future.”
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